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Hong Kong Company Secretarial Service

The company secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the board of directors are implemented. Company secretaries are the primary source of advice on the conduct of business and this can span everything from legal advice on conflicts of interest, through accounting advice on financial reports, to the development of strategy and corporate planning.


Under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) of the Laws of Hong Kong, a limited company incorporated in Hong Kong should appoint a company secretary, to perform the legal liability of the company. Company Secretary can be an individual who ordinarily resides in HK or a corporate body. However, a sole director/shareholder cannot act as company secretary.  A nominee secretary can be appointed. While incorporating the company details of the company secretary should be filled.


Our Services Include:


1)      Prepare common seal, stamp, share certificate, share register along with other statutory books.  (Green Box)

2)      Manage and keep the company’s statutory book

3)      Organizing and witnessing required meeting of directors and shareholders alongside preparation of minutes.

4)      Preparing and Filing Annual Returns

5)      Preparing and submitting documents for Alteration of Director or Company Secretary

6)      Preparing and submitting documents for Increase or Decrease in Capital

7)      Preparing and submitting documents for Transfer of share/Share Allotment

8)      Preparing and submitting documents for Change the name of the company

9)      Preparing and submitting documents for Change company’s registered address

10)   Preparing and submitting documents for Amendment of Articles

11)   Renewals of Licenses and Certificates

12)   Ensuring that company complies with relevant laws and regulations.

13)   Deregistering the company and suspending applications for activities.

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DBMS GLOBAL LTD., Unit 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza, 84 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 27902006; Fax: +852 27902120; Email:

Trust or Company Service Provider Licence Number: TC001552

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