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Other trade services

We are one stop that can help you solve all your trade related obstacles. We not only provide you help with banking documentation, shipping documentation and commercial documentation but also at every step of trade. We can help your business spread in continents that too in no time, with team of highly talented professional working for you at a low cost. Moreover, there are no long terms commitments, winding up is also as easy as set up. So, hold our hand and we will let you explore immense opportunities worldwide at a very low risk.


Our trade services include:


·       Import and export support services

·       Trade fair assistance services

·       Product testing coordination

·       Factory audit coordination

·       Logistics coordination

·       Certificate of origin

·       Licenses or permit to trade in the dutiable commodities

·       Translation of legal documents

·       Legal services to resolve disputes

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DBMS GLOBAL LTD., Unit 809, 8/F., Brill Plaza, 84 To Kwa Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 27902006; Fax: +852 27902120; Email:

Trust or Company Service Provider Licence Number: TC001552

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